Wednesday, 29 April 2020



The thing I made wasn't actually for Project Recyclable. I made a shield with my dad because me and my dad love making things together out of wood, I allready have an axe, a sword and a dagger ( all of them are made from wood. )  

My sheild is quite big, its painted forest green with a silver circle in the midde. We made the circle out of builders bog, first dad mixed it up then we put it ino a bowl for the shape then we waited for it to set, after that we painted it and screwed it onto the sheild.

The shield is made out of leftover wood from my dads shed. I was the one who cutout the sheild and smoothed the edges.

Wednesday, 22 April 2020


Please remember when you go to get Mcdonalds after lockdown to put your rubbish in the bin.

Thank you!

Wednesday, 15 April 2020

Covid 19 lockdown

My weekend
On  Saturday 11th of april me my brother and my dad made a slip amd slide with tarps polythene and the digger, we arranged the polythene and tarps in a circle then we coverd it in water and dishwashing liquid and we had a handle with a rope attched to the digger.

I was the first to try it out, I held onto the rope while my brother spun the digger around it was awesome. we gor the idea of a video but in the video the people were good at it, it is realy hard to balance so a lot of the time I was sitting.

Sometimes I went flying of the edge so I have lots of new scratches and bruises but it was worth it.
In this video i tried to grab my dad but it went wrong!

Wednesday, 8 April 2020

Check up

Covid 19 Advice
At the moment things are a bit crazy and stressful so these are some helpfull tips to keep you calm...
  1. If you have pets hang out with them.
  2. If you are feeling stressed talk to somone or write it down in a book.
  3. read, books help you take your mind of things.
  4. do jobs around the house ( I know jobs suck but it helps)
  5. Organise somthing I like to sort out my bookshelf.
  6. Have a project, we are all stuck at home so why not have somthing to do instead of being on devices all day. ( im building a tree fort)
I hope at least one of these sugestions will help you as well as they help me and I hope you are doing well. 

Tuesday, 7 April 2020

Covid 19 lockdown

Covid 19 lock down report

Today is the 7th of April the 13th day of lock down. 
So far I've ridden my pony a lot (me and my family go for walks around the block), I'm starting to build a tree fort with my brother, me my dad and my brother are building a wood shed and every day my mum makes us kids do three hours of school work every single day.

Covid 19 lock-down is very boring and I can't wait for it to be over.