Thursday 27 September 2018

Wednesday 19 September 2018

My first animation

My hangi reading task.

This is about some windmills going into the property next door.

 Dear Council,
I am Jorgia Bigwood and I live at number 2 on Mill street. I want to tell you that I thurraly disagree with you putting windmills in front of my gorgeous million dollar house.

Firstly  it will be a waste of money, it’s a stupid idea. Windmills are very very costly and only last 20- 25 years and start to cost more as they get older. Have you looked up how much they cost? It’s $3-$4 Million dollars for just one windmill!

And what about my sleep? How would you like it if all you heard all night was wosh wosh wosh? You I bet wouldn’t!  In the morning I will be so cranky  and grumpy, then later on in the day I won’t be able to concentrate on my work. The sound of the windmills will be deafening at night, and what about ny kids! They will be very very tired and won’t be able to learn at school.

It will be dangerous for my family and the wildlife. It will be very sad to watch the birds as they crash into the huge windmill blades. What if the birds fly into the blades with so much force that they die? And what if one of the windmills falls on my house, it will be very bad and cost heaps of money.

Now do you see why putting windmills near my house is a bad idea. Just warning you I will take this to further matters. Yours sincerely Jorgia Bigwood. 

Friday 7 September 2018

How a seed becomes a plant

A seed starts off dormant and won't grow straight away, it kind of has a power so it can sense what time it should start to grow.
The seed has 3 main parts.

Which are called the seed coat, the endosperm and the embryo. The embryo is the baby plant inside the seed and the endosperm is the food inside the seed that the baby plant uses to grow before it can produce food of its own.  
To grow the plant needs water, the right temperature and light. The plants growing process is called germination. 

The first thing that comes out of the plant is the roots which always grow down. The plant can somehow figure out which way is up and which way is down. The roots find food until the plant grows a stem.

Then out of the plant comes the stem which grows leaves. The leaves turn sunlight into food.

My bee animation

Blog Comments

Hi there…
This is my awesome blog. If you write a comment about my work can you please remember to make it positive, thoughtful and helpful.

Thank you,

Room 12.

Tuesday 4 September 2018

My Blog Profile

Bonjour, my name is Jorgia. I am 9, and a year 5 at Waitohu School. My teacher is Ms Mclean she is a scientist and she is so cool. I love Unicorns, Dogs, Horses and pink. After school ride horses,  I love skating, and I love to swim at the beach at Whangamata. I live in Otaki, New Zealand, and I have 1 brother. I am not a girly girl! I love reading horse books and Harry Potter books.