Friday 28 May 2021

Ra Haka Day

On Friday 21 of may (pink shirt day) Otaki college had a Ra Haka day and we spent all day (except for break) learning the school's haka. At the start of the day, everyone went into the hall and learnt the words and some of the actions. After break one we all went back into the hall and separated into our house groups to practice and finish learning it. I am in Matai and we went into the canteen and practised then all the houses went into gym one. All the houses took their turns performing as a group and they all did great. When Matai went up I was at the very back because I get stage fright and being where everyone can see me scares me. After all the groups performed everyone did it together as a whole school. I was very out of my comfort zone until I realised that everyone was too busy focusing on themselves to judge me and that helped a little bit. My friends and I were all dressed in pink to support pink shirt day.Overall including the pink shirt day celebrations, it was fun.

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