Tuesday 17 March 2020

How do you feel about the Corona virus?

Q. How do you feel about the Corona Virus?
A. I’m slightly worried for my family in Aussie and my grandparents. 

Q. How has the Corona Virus impacted on you?
A. Well it is bad and good Its good because my riding stable is usually very busy but now its not and that means I can ride my pony more often

Q. What can you do to help your family with the Corona Virus?
A. Have lots of food and supplies ready just in case, have a plan for if school closes while you're there.

Q. Name 2 things you need to do so you don’t contact the Corona Virus?
A. Make sure you wash your hands and avoid contact with your eyes, mouth, nose and ears

Q. What are 10 items you will need to be prepared for the Corona Virus?

  1. Food that can last long like canned foods
  2. Water
  3. Soap
  4. Cloths 
  5. Shelter
  6. Toilet
  7. Contact to the outside world\
  8. A plan 
  9. Some sort of thing to clean with (shower or bath)
  10. Toiletries

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