Wednesday 8 April 2020

Check up

Covid 19 Advice
At the moment things are a bit crazy and stressful so these are some helpfull tips to keep you calm...
  1. If you have pets hang out with them.
  2. If you are feeling stressed talk to somone or write it down in a book.
  3. read, books help you take your mind of things.
  4. do jobs around the house ( I know jobs suck but it helps)
  5. Organise somthing I like to sort out my bookshelf.
  6. Have a project, we are all stuck at home so why not have somthing to do instead of being on devices all day. ( im building a tree fort)
I hope at least one of these sugestions will help you as well as they help me and I hope you are doing well. 


  1. Crazy is a great adjective to use for COVID-19. Jorgia some very helpful tips to get you through the next week.


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