Wednesday 29 April 2020



The thing I made wasn't actually for Project Recyclable. I made a shield with my dad because me and my dad love making things together out of wood, I allready have an axe, a sword and a dagger ( all of them are made from wood. )  

My sheild is quite big, its painted forest green with a silver circle in the midde. We made the circle out of builders bog, first dad mixed it up then we put it ino a bowl for the shape then we waited for it to set, after that we painted it and screwed it onto the sheild.

The shield is made out of leftover wood from my dads shed. I was the one who cutout the sheild and smoothed the edges.

1 comment:

  1. This is an amazing project and so many new skills were learnt. Anyone who reads this will learn about the builders bog, something I never knew about. Can't wait to hear your presentation.


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