Thursday 2 September 2021


 P.M Jacinda Adern advised people to wear a mask when leaving the house and stay two metres away from others.

“Stay local, do not congregate. Don't talk to your neighbours.”

I agree that we should stay two meters apart when leaving the house. But I think wearing a mask depends on what you are doing. For example, if you are going for a walk or some other form of exercising I think there is no need to wear a mask. But obviously, if you are going into shops and places where it is hard to the social distance you have to wear a mask. I agree that we should stay local and congregate. But I think we have the right to talk to our neighbours as long as we are distancing ourselves.

1 comment:

  1. I do agree with what you have written Jorgia. When we were in level 4 we would go for walks without masks as did others. If we saw others walking towards us we would all move to distance ourselves 2 metres when walking pass each other. It was the same with our neighbours too.


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