Wednesday 8 December 2021

Word Art for last week of school feelings


Last week At O.C

What are two things you have enjoyed at Oc?: I have enjoyed being in a class with my best friends. And I have enjoyed doing the options.

What is one thing you didn't enjoy this year at Oc?: A lot of the work.

How are you feeling about returning to Oc?:  I won't be coming back to Oc because I'm going to Kapiti College next year.

Who will you miss next year in your class?: I will miss all my friends because I won't see them as much.

Tuesday 30 November 2021

Favorite Person

 Name: Jeana & Caitlin

Where they live: Otaki

What they do: Go to school

Why they are my favourite: They are my best friends and both are equally as amazing as each other. 

Word art

This is my word art about me.
The words describe me and things I like

Friday 12 November 2021

zespri challenge

 All the year 7s and 8s in my school are doing something called the Zespri team challenge. The Zespri challenge is all about being fit. We were all given our own pedometers to count how many steps a day we do. At the end of the day, we have to put in all our info like, how many steps we did, what activities we did, the food we have eaten, and more. I'm really enjoying doing this because we go on walks almost every day 

This is what it looks like for putting in the data.

Friday 5 November 2021

Steven Adams scholarship

A boy in my class called Kaylis Peneha has received the Steve Adams basketball scholarship at Scots college. Scots College is a boarding school in wellington. The scholarship lasts 5 years and begins next year when he turns year nine. The previous recipient of the scholarship is about to finish year 13.

I don't know Kaylis very well but I know he loves basketball and I know he is very good at it. Kaylis had to work very very hard to get the scholarship. I bet Kaylis is very happy and excited to have received the scholarship as it is such an honour. 

Kaylis has been to two Steven Adams training camps in the past. Steven Adams is one of the best New Zealand basketballers and plays professionally in an American basketball league. 


In conclusion, this just proves that if you work hard enough and have the support of family and friends you can accomplish your goals.

I asked kaylis if he was sad about leaving his friends but he said that he will see his friends on the weekends and in the holidays. 

Thursday 28 October 2021

My labour weekend

 On labour weekend I went camping with my family and some friends. We went to Lake Taupo. It was me, my dad, my mum, my brother, and my friend Caitlin in our tent but more people came with us. My dads friends Jeremy and Yuta stayed in their Campervan. My Aunty Gemma and my uncle Wayne stayed in a cabin with my two cousins Lily and Jackson. We left on Thursday around lunch time and once we got their we set up our tent. Afterwards we went out on our Jetskis and boat. My dad has a really cool camping trailer that fits our two skis. It also has a barbeque, A shower (with hot water). A canopy for shade, Solar power, And some storage. My uncle took our boat for us. We have a biscuit for our jetski witch is a LOT of fun to go on. I really enjoyed my weekend. And their were a lot of kids there to play spotlight with

This was our setup

This is Lily Caitlin and I going up a hill

This is the lake

This is some of us watching the skis

Monday 6 September 2021

My Pets

 name: Loki

gender: Female

age: 3 Months

breed: Domestic shorthair ( cat).

colour: Multicolour: Brown, black, grey, white, and ginger.

pet likes: Sitting on shoulders.

pet dislikes: My dog.

favourite food: cat biscuits.

habits: murdering everything in sight at all times

favourite place: Under Blankets.

special info: She Likes to run under your feet as you walk so you end up kicking her.

name: Mia

gender: Female

age: 2 Years

breed: Staffie, Boxer, lab? ( dog )

colour: Black with a white chest

pet likes: Being around people. And little kids

pet dislikes: People wearing hoods.

favourite food: Steak, Pork fat, and sheep poop.

habits: She waits on the deck for me to get home from school.

favourite place: Her beanbag in mum's office

special info: We got her from the S.P.C.A so we aren't entirely sure of her breed.

Thursday 2 September 2021


 P.M Jacinda Adern advised people to wear a mask when leaving the house and stay two metres away from others.

“Stay local, do not congregate. Don't talk to your neighbours.”

I agree that we should stay two meters apart when leaving the house. But I think wearing a mask depends on what you are doing. For example, if you are going for a walk or some other form of exercising I think there is no need to wear a mask. But obviously, if you are going into shops and places where it is hard to the social distance you have to wear a mask. I agree that we should stay local and congregate. But I think we have the right to talk to our neighbours as long as we are distancing ourselves.

Friday 30 July 2021

Class goals

 GROUP WORK:  My goal for Group work is to try to make sure everyone gets an opinion on what we are doing. When you are in a group it is very important that you listen to each other's ideas.

MATH WORK: My goal for Math work is to try to enjoy it more. Enjoying things we do In school helps us to focus more.

WRITING WORK: My goal for Writing work is to try to write longer stories. Longer stories hook the reader and it can be so much more exciting when it is longer.

READING WORK: My goal for reading work is to read more books. Reading lots of books increases your reading skils

MY PERSONAL GOAL FOR TERM 3: My Personal Goal is to take more care of myself physically and emotionally

Thursday 1 July 2021

Measurement Hunt

  W.A.L.T share our ideas for the Scavenger Hunt

WHAT WAS THE TASK?   To measure the width length and height of things in our school.

WHAT STRATEGY DID OUR GROUP USE TO SOLVE THE TASKS?   Someone held one end and someone else held the other and said the measurement                                                                                                                    DID YOUR STRATEGY WORK? Yes, WHY? Because we were working together.

WOULD I / YOU ABLE TO USE THIS STRATEGY BY MYSELF OR DO I NEED HELP?                   WHO CAN HELP ME? You wouldn't be able to do it by yourself and you would need a friend or a classmate

HOW DID YOU FEEL WHEN THE GROUP COMPLETED TASK or WHAT WORKED OR DIDN’T  WORK?  All of it worked for my team and It was fun working it out.

WHICH TASK DID YOU ENJOY THE MOST? WHY?  We read the sheet wrong and thought we needed to measure the height of a basketball court so I got to climb up it. but we didn't know we didn't need to but It was fun anyway.

This was our group doing some measuring


Friday 4 June 2021

Ipo the cockatoo

 Today we had a surprise visit from Andrea and her 43-year-old Cockatoo Ipo. Ipo is an omnivore which means he can survive on both plant and animal matter. Cockatoos like Ipo mainly come from Australia and they are a pest over there because they ruin orchards. Cockatoos destroy the whole apple just to eat the seeds inside and they travel in massive flocks so that causes a lot of chaos when they find an orchard. Ipo enjoys helping the kids at the art club, for the kids, Ipo is an inspiration they love painting and drawing him. Ipo and Andrea were both recently on Fanimals. This is the episode he is Ipo Fanimals.

This is me patting Ipo.

Thursday 3 June 2021

D.I.M.I.C Problem solving

 My favorite one was the Scrooge mc duck one. It was really fun to do and I was very close to working it out. The people in my group were Jorgia (me), Cody, Craig and Shylah. My groups one was the 3rd one down. All we had to do to get it right was to take 2 off the 50 dollars and add it to the 10 dollars one and I would have got it. To work this out we used guess and check, we had done multiple different things until the timer went off. We chose the one closest to the answer. If we had more time I think I would have worked out the right answer. We didn't go up so we didn't need to plan rolls but I was writing and when Rachel asked what our numbers were I told her. D.I.M.I.C is very important because it teaches kids the values of working together and also helps us improve our problem solving skills.

Friday 28 May 2021

Ra Haka Day

On Friday 21 of may (pink shirt day) Otaki college had a Ra Haka day and we spent all day (except for break) learning the school's haka. At the start of the day, everyone went into the hall and learnt the words and some of the actions. After break one we all went back into the hall and separated into our house groups to practice and finish learning it. I am in Matai and we went into the canteen and practised then all the houses went into gym one. All the houses took their turns performing as a group and they all did great. When Matai went up I was at the very back because I get stage fright and being where everyone can see me scares me. After all the groups performed everyone did it together as a whole school. I was very out of my comfort zone until I realised that everyone was too busy focusing on themselves to judge me and that helped a little bit. My friends and I were all dressed in pink to support pink shirt day.Overall including the pink shirt day celebrations, it was fun.

Tuesday 4 May 2021

My Goals for Term 3

 My curriculum goal for term 3 is to be the best at writing in my class.

My sport/music/art goal for term 3 is to remember to get to rock climbing.  

Friday 19 March 2021

School bollards


W.A.L.T express our ideas about the bollards installed along our driveway. We are using descriptive language and checking our sentence structure is correct in our blog writing.

Our school got bollards that run along the driveway. The bollards have been put there so that students don't walk on the road. When using the footpath no bikes, skateboards, or scooters are to be ridden we must walk them. The bollards have been painted bright blue so that they are visible. I think Bollards are a good idea. And the blue matches the school colours. 

Friday 5 March 2021

D.I.M.I.C Problem solving

 Today when we did d.i.m.i.c we had someone to come in and help us. Our problem was " A child ate 100 cookies in 5 days. Each day they ate 6 more than the day before. How many cookies did they eat on the first day?" 

My group worked it out by using the guess and check strategy. But first, we tried taking 6 away from 100 but that didn't work. We started with 15 and added 6 five times but after adding them together it was too high so then we tried 5 and it was too low so we tried 10 but that was too high. The last one we tried was 8 and it was correct. The people in our group were Jessica, Ailie Shyla and me. this was our paper. the numbers with the circle were the correct awnsers

Friday 26 February 2021

Kia Kaha Buddies

 Today we had our Kia Kaha Buddies for the first time this year their names are Jayda and Oriwa. The Kia Kaha Buddies come every Friday first period. They do activities with us and help us with our mental wellbeing. Today we went to the courts and played games. It was really fun. To get our attention they said "123" then we said "all eyes on me". I didn't like this it made me feel like a 5-year-old. next Friday I hope we play games again it was fun